Monday, January 2, 2012

A letter from King Neptune

Today the NBP newbies received a somewhat "threatening" letter form King Neptune and it reads as follows:

“It has been duly noted by the Supreme Ruler of the Southern Depths that her Royale vessel, the NB Palmer, has entered the sacred domain of King Neptune filled with vile, treacherous and unclean neophytes who has not shown due respect to the King and his court. As such, they are all charged with various crimes against the august beings of the Royale Ocean. You are hereby commanded and ordered to appear at 1300 hours in the galley of the Palmer to answer to such charges. Be prepared for a thorough cleansing, as King Neptune and his court are rumoured to be deeply distressed by the unsanitary condition of the polywogs. And cleansed you shall be!! Be advised that leniency is shown to those that are contrite and who repent and quake in front of the Court! You should entertain the Court with amusing interludes designed to lighten the Court's sour demeanor, or face the full wrath of King Neptune, his wife and his Royale Baby (who, it might be added, is a Royale Pain). You should dress accordingly to fill the Court with lenient thoughts, and hope for the best. Be on time, and be prepared to be cleansed!

His Royale Scribe, Ino Itall

On the science front, we successfully deployed a CTD/rosette cast to 300m depth and filled the 24bottles on the rosette shown in the picture below from 12 discrete depths (with repetitions) and sampled for oxygen, nutrients (silicate, nitrate, nitrite, ammonium and phosphate), salts, chlorophyll and proteins.  

Dan Powers (MT, RPSC) looks over the CTD rosette (Photo by Stephanie Hathcock)

Joshua Eaton (left, WHOI) and Robert Hagg (WHOI) checking on their VPR (Video Plankton Recorder) while Dan Powers (Marine Technician, RPSC) walks by. Photo by Marco Pedulli

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